Selectmen Meeting cancelled
In observance of the Labor Day holiday there will be no selectmen meeting this week
In observance of the Labor Day holiday there will be no selectmen meeting this week
Agenda * adoption of minutes *warrant *Clerk - update on tax stuff *insurance *Roads *MMA elected official workshop *Sign Ambulance contract *State process for closing Morse Elementary School
Agenda * adoption of minutes * Foreclosure property owner meeting * Warrant * Tax Assessor in person to answer questions with selectmen
Agenda * Adoption of minutes * Warrant *Recon Statements *Snow Plow Bids opened *Executive Session: RE Taxes
Agenda reading of minutes warrant recon bank statements MMA workshop update Roads Dept of Labor update possible executive session
Agenda: reading of minutes warrant recon statements roads MMA workshop update Department of Labor update possible executive session? DOE letter/denial
Agenda * Reading of minutes *Warrant * Road Committee * DOL update * Possible executive session
Agenda: *Warrant *Dept of Labor *School Board *ice and snow training *Fire Station and Town Office snow removal *Road Committee *Insurance and Contracts * executive session